Sunday, December 27, 2009

Is it really resolution time? Yes, I think it is.

Inspired by this article, I'm going to attempt to creatively approach my resolutions for this year.

1.) Orthopraxy (Represented by Jimmie's Chicken Shack)
I've been trying to practice orthodoxy (focusing on right thinking leading to right acting), but it hasn't gone too well. So, this year, I'm trying orthopraxy (focusing on right acting as a way to lead to right thinking). I'm not sure how this will work or how obnoxious it will be to the people around me. I guess I feel like I'm at a point in my life where I'm done making bad choices. That's not to say I won't make anymore, but I'll at least be more mindful of it. I guess it's the concept of "fake it 'til you make it."

2.) Weight loss (Represented by the No Doubt song Gwen Stefani wrote about turning 30.)
I'm working on what I call my Fatty/Fattia goal of losing 100 lbs. by the time I turn 30. I haven't weighed in a while, so I'm assuming I have all 100 lbs. to go. I have until Feb. 11, 2011 to make my goal, so I'll have to do some math to figure out how much I need to lose during 2010. After so much holiday eating, I'm a little afraid to get on the scale...

3.) Budget/Money (Represented by a sweet jam you may remember.)
At this time next year, I'll be preparing to start paying down my student loans. Well, ideally, I will have been paying for a while already, but in January 2011, I'll no longer have the option to defer. That said, I'm excited to make a plan and stick to it to get that debt paid off. I was looking at my credit report today, and I actually think that my student loans are going to work in my favor as accounts in good standing. One of my potentially negative items will fall off in November 2011, and the others disappear in 2012. I was a stupid youngster, and I've never really spent a lot of time or energy working on budgets or thinking about building wealth. I guess since I'll be an MBA, I can't really pretend I don't care or know how anymore. So, I'm reading a lot about how to start smart and fight debt. I am hoping that 2010 will be when I lose my personal finance virginity and actually live money-smart.

4.) Job(s) (Represented by The Offspring...please ignore the rough language.)
I'm graduating in May 2010 with my MBA in Digital Media Management, and I'm hoping that by mid-June I will be starting a new job. This means I have to push hard early on to get my resume out there. I'm open to lots of possibilities, and I'm hoping to be prepared for salary negotiations and the like. If I find a job in Dallas, I can live with my parents rent-free and really kill my college loans in the first year. That would be amazing. Mostly, I just hope I can find a job I don't hate. I know that in this economy beggars shouldn't be choosers, but I'm smart and hardworking, so I think I can snag something I'll actually like.

5.) 4.0 (Represented by this David Ramirez song...couldn't find the whole thing online, but buy his albums. SO worth it.)
So, in my graduate program, I'm the only one left with a 4.0 GPA. It's a lot of pressure to keep up (from no one but myself). I just don't think I could ever forgive myself if I lose my 4.0 in the last semester. So not cool. So, I'm going to work my booty off at school stuff so I don't flounder across the stage. The funny thing is, they won't even announce the 4.0 at the ceremony or even give me summa cum laude status. It's a totally personal goal, and I will fight for it tooth and nail.

6.) 5-Year Plan (Represented by the glorious Ben Folds Five)
In 5 years, I will be 33, almost 34. That will mean I only have a couple of good birthing years left before things get all science-experiment in my uterus. I'm not sure there's anything I can do about that, but I'm sure I'll be keenly aware. I guess I want to make a plan this year for what I want my future to look like. I've spent my entire adult life waiting for Mr. Right to come along and jumpstart my "real life." As it turns out, I'm an idiot in that regard. While I'm not opposed to meeting Mr. Right (or figuring out that someone I already know or am dating is Mr. Right), I need to know where I'm going incase that just never happens for me. I want to someday buy a house and travel, and blah blah blah. I'm not sure what the details are yet, but I want to know that I have some goals in mind that will lead to the life I want to live that are attainable with or without a husband. I refuse to wait any longer to plan my future just in case some man shows up. By the way, if I turn 35 and I'm still not married or in a relationship that I think will lead to marriage, I'm having a "Single Shower" and registering for gifts, and I expect everyone to participate. Spinsters need towels and kitchen gadgets too, you know! And I won't think of myself as a spinster, by the way, I'll be an Awesome-ster or something cool I'll think of later.

So, that's it. Those are my resolutions for 2010. There are more than I usually make, but this is a year of big changes. (Hopefully good ones...) My theme song for the beginning of the year will be "Help I'm Alive" by Metric. My heart is beating like a hammer...probably to keep up with the extra 100 lbs. I'm carrying around! ;)

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Just so it won't be a whole year...

I'm going to post before January.

I didn't lose 60 lbs...I lost like 10. That's okay, I didn't try very hard.

2009 has been odd. Brian super-dumped me because he met "the one"...whatever that means. It took some getting over, but now I'm dating Tim who is all kinds of wonderful, so I'm totally happy with how things turned out.

All of my grandparents are getting old and frail, but they're still generally doing okay.

I went through 2 InCase hardshell cases for my MacBook, which kind of sucks.

I still have a 4.0 in grad school which is very exciting. I'm not surprised because I've been working really hard, but it's still not a guarantee. I will admit I was delighted when I saw it officially on the website.

I don't have anything else to say right now, but I'll work on something to whine or cheese about.

Thursday, January 1, 2009


I've made only one resolution for this year. I want to lose 60 lbs. Thats only 5 per month, which I think is quite attainable. I talk about it in more depth on my other blog.

I will work harder to update this blog as well with my ever-snide comments and general verbal incontinence.

I think it's going to be a good year. 2009 feels nice so far.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

I think this Oprah advice is scary...

Read question #2.

Is 75%-85% really supposed to be good enough?! Maybe I'm just commitment-phobic or maybe I've seen too many romantic comedies, but geez. I don't think 3/4 really suits me when it comes to the rest of my life!!

But ask me again when I'm unmarried at 30...I might be okay with "mostly".

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

I hate to stereotype, but...

...every single car that's cut me off in traffic this week has had at least one "Obama" bumper sticker on it.

I realize that his popularity makes this a statistical possibility, but I've seen my fair share of "McCain" stickers on cars that were not being driven by crazy people.

This is not a political statement, but a warning to those who do make them: if you don't want people to hate what you stand for, drive nicely when it's plastered on your car!!

That goes for Jesus-fish people too!

Here's the thing about Alamo Drafthouse Village

So, I had the kind of day that made me want to escape into a movie with a glass of wine. Since I don't have a DVD player or any alcohol at home, I decided to find a show at the Alamo Drafthouse I wanted to see. THis is one of the lovely things about living in Austin.

Tonight, however, it was not so lovely. I saw the the presidential debates were streaming at all the Drafthouse locations, and that was fine. I found the movie I wanted to see, and it was only showing in one place, all the way across town. So, I double checked the times and knew I could make it. I clicked to buy tickets online, but decided I would rather pay in cash, so I canceled the sale before it went through. So, I fought traffic, found the theater and went to buy my tickets. Lo and behold, the screening of the film I wanted to see was cancelled to provide more room for the debates.

WHY CAN'T THEY UPDATE THE WEBSITE WITH THAT KIND OF PERTINENT INFORMATION?? It's not like I checked hours in advance. I was within an hour of the movie's start time, AND it was going to allow me to purchase a ticket for a showing that was cancelled! If I hadn't rushed across town, I wouldn't have been so bothered, but after that I ended up lost and frustrated and movie-less.

So, to anyone who runs a website...UPDATE IT before people drive across town to go to things that no longer exist. Thank you!

Here's the thing about Casey Wilson...

So, this skit from SNL is hilarious, except for one thing.  Casey Wilson.  

Now, I've made it clear that I'm not a fan.  I'm sure she's a very nice and talented person, but I can only go on what I've seen on Saturday nights, and thus far, I'm NOT impressed.

The thing that really bugs me about her is that she tries too hard to be funny.  This skit is obviously a vehicle for the genius that is Kristen Wiig.  (Side note: I was not a Wiig fan at first, but she won me over by creating GENIUS comedy.)

So watch this skit, laugh at Kristen's oddball character, and pretend to ignore Casey Wilson's attempt to BEG for laughter with her trite, obnoxious vibrato.